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Insulating a building, however, is not a simple task, and of course it should not be treated lightly. It requires the selection of an experienced and qualified professional, the right insulation method as well as the most reliable insulation materials.

In recent years, more and more property owners are turning to insulation in order to upgrade the energy efficiency of their buildings and of course to shield them against external threats such as moisture. 

At Monodomiki we attach great importance to the materials we recommend each time to our clients for the insulations we carry out. However, we have prepared a practical and concise guide to help you understand which insulation materials to choose and which to avoid at all costs.

#1 - Attention to quality

The first thing that an insulation definitely needs to be considered successful and characterized as durable in time is to be accompanied by the choice of quality insulation materials. The more quality and reliable the insulating materials we choose, the more effective our insulation will be. At all costs, the use of materials that are not certified or of unknown origin should be avoided. These are very likely not to perform as well as they should and of course the end result may not be what we expect for our property. It is not excluded that if they are not certified, they may even pose a risk to our health. This is why at Monodomiki we always choose the safest and 100% reliable insulation materials, which meet all international production standards.

#2 - Avoid imitations 

In the same sense, you should prefer branded insulating materials. In insulation, the well-known saying "you get what you pay for" is fully applicable. Avoid any imitations or materials that are not widely available to significantly remove the possibility of a potential insulation failure. On the contrary, prefer branded materials, such as those recommended by Monodomiki, in all stages of the insulation work you implement. In this way, you will be sure that you are not running any risk now or in the near future.  

#3 - Consult the experts 

If there is one thing you should definitely avoid when choosing insulation materials, is to make the choice yourself. The professional to whom you entrust the insulation work is the one who should recommend the right insulation materials for each case. Each building has different needs and every insulation applied to a property has different requirements for insulating materials. This is exactly the reason why at Monodomiki we undertake a thorough study of your building from the outset, in order to crystallize a comprehensive view of the picture it presents and then recommend the appropriate insulation materials each time. This process, however, requires the necessary training and experience and should undoubtedly not be entrusted to just anyone, but only to professionals in the field.

At Monodomiki, our highly trained staff can undertake all the stages to complete your insulation, always suggesting the use of the appropriate insulation materials so that your building receives the protection and energy upgrade it deserves.

Are you ready for the next step?

Insulation - Thermal insulation - Waterproofing