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Final cover with gravel

Inverted roof insulation with the following stages of construction:

1. Coating the surface with asphaltic varnish.
2. Creation of special pieces of asphaltic membrane and placing them at a depth of approximately 5-7 cm into the gutters.
3. Gluing additional pieces of asphalt membrane to the vertical elements of the roof and gluing the asphalt membrane in such a way as to facilitate unobstructed water runoff.

1. Laying of a geotextile 120g/m², in order the two layers (thermal insulation - final layer) maintain freedom of micro-movements due to contraction, without the risk of causing cracks in the asphaltic membrane and also to protect the thermal insulation.
2.  Laying of gravel over the entire surface with an average thickness of 5-6 cm to protect the thermal insulation.

Choose this method of insulation in the case where it is not intended to use the roof.

The main advantage of this type of insulation is the economical construction.

Are you ready for the next step?

Insulation - Thermal insulation - Waterproofing