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The roof of a building is constantly exposed to a number of threats, such as moisture, water accumulation and sudden changes in weather conditions. No matter how old or new a property is, proper maintenance of its roof should always be our top priority. Roof waterproofing is a valuable tool at our disposal that allows us to shield our property and upgrade it energy-wise. By applying a quality and reliable waterproofing we say goodbye to damp and offer our property the care it deserves.

At Monodomiki we undertake the design, application and completion of all work required for roof waterproofing. In this article we thoroughly discuss the reasons why you should ALWAYS consult an expert, for this type of work, avoiding experimentation at all costs.

#1 - Experience and expertise

A specialist, such as Monodomiki, has two irresistible assets: experience and expertise. The application of the correct waterproofing on the roof of our property requires the study of the site and, of course, the application of the right method. This is the reason why our company applies a range of modern waterproofing methods, offering the most specialized solution each time. The experience and training of the people who will undertake the waterproofing plays a decisive role in the final result and whether we will enjoy an efficient waterproofing or not.

#2 - Damage prevention 

An expert can also identify the specifics of each roof and the risks that it may pose both during the waterproofing work and in the process. Consequently, he takes all the necessary steps to prevent damage and any future accidents. So, we are always 100% sure that our roof remains safe and energy shielded.

#3 - Right choice of materials

In roof waterproofing, apart from experience and expertise, the choice of the right waterproofing materials plays a decisive role. An experienced and qualified professional is of course able to make the most intelligent and correct choice for us. After all, every roof has its own unique peculiarities that require due attention and of course cannot be treated in the same way, every time. This is the reason why at Monodomiki we first proceed with the study of the space, in order to make a comprehensive assessment of the situation and of course to follow the right choice of the appropriate waterproofing materials required.

#4 - Saving time and money

Although at first glance, experimentation may seem more economical than consulting a specialist, the reality is completely different. An experienced professional is the one who will help you save both money and time, as he will complete the waterproofing efficiently and, in the time, required for it to be durable and efficient. In this way you naturally avoid "experiments", which can lead to costly as well as irreversible disasters.

At Monodomiki, having as a priority the provision of high quality and reliable roof waterproofing services, we offer solutions tailored to the needs of your property, applying modern methods and always choosing durable and 100% efficient waterproofing materials.

Are you ready for the next step?

Insulation - Thermal insulation - Waterproofing